Car Radio Show 910AM-Detroit, May 20, 2023
Host: Henry Payne, Detroit News auto columnist
Interview Schedule
00-03 min: Payne intro
03-15 min: Interview with Sarah Cook, president, Automotive Hall of Fame, talking Women in Motorsports
15-20: Ad Break
19-30: Interview with Michael Montri, president of the Detroit GP. Taking a pit walk at downtown Detroit GP.
30-33: Ad Break
33-45: Interview with Austin Green, Trans Am driver, talking about Detroit GP.
45-48: Ad break
48-57: Interview with Tom Zielinski, CEO, Detroit 4fest. Talking Bronco Nation at Holly Oaks ORV Park
1.00-1.15 hr: Interview with Tim Hartge, PureForge, talking brake breakthrough.
1.16-1.21 hr: Ad break
1.20-1.30: Payne intro to Alfa interviews in Milan.
1.25-1.30: Interview with Lorenzo Ardizio, Curator of the Alfa Romeo Museum, Milan.
1.30-1.35: Ad break
1.35-1.41: Continue with Ardizio
1.41-1.45: Interview with Daniel Guzzefame, Product chief, Alfa Romeo.
1.45-1.48: Ad break
1.48-1.55: More with Guzzefame.